Mount Snow Short Track/Hill Climb Report

After the morning's shenanigans it was time to attempt to refuel and race some short track. I've gushed before about how intense/awesome the Mt Snow Short Track course is, but it should be noted that I had never raced it, which is probably why it seemed so cool. Anyway, it's completely non-technical, big ring all the way, with one loose climb that you can just get over by standing and flailing. Well, the first five times up it's easy, then you start to flail more, then you try the middle ring once and notice that you went way slower but still hurt equally, and then you go back to suffering in the big ring until the race ends. We had a field of 20 or so Semi-pro/Experts and it went out hot . My first lap was 1:30 and that was at the back of the main group. The only people behind me were the two women and a guy who had dropped his chain. But, since I was in contact and we were hauling, I could get my draft on. I clung to Ben C and the same Bliss junior that I race...