Stowe Derby Boot Cam

Stowe Derby Boot Cam from colin reuter on Vimeo.

I only have time to put the boot cam video up for now. Expect a race report late Tuesday night.

There's a stretch in the middle where no one is behind me, and thus the view isn't so interesting, but I overtook another guy near the bottom.


Nathaniel Ward said…
I like boot cam almost better than seat cam--better scenery!
Christopher Tassava said…
Awesome. The cornering is fantastic.
Kris said…
1: sick soundtrack
2: the guy with the downhill goggles is totally styling
3: next year you should figure out a way to cause mass carnage behind you - i'm thinking maybe something equivalent to an oil slick on the corners (nice job staying up yourself)
4: i'm still drooling over that powder
5: i'm adding the derby to my bucket list of ski races
6: see you at weston
Jordan said…
Man I miss this race - its been too long.
LR said…
Really like the boot cam. Hey guess what - the green klister binder worked - lucky me.
matt said…
that... was very cool.

was that you hollering to the spectators you passed or them hollering at you?

based on this video alone people may be left with the impression that nordic racing is simply downhill skiing on ill-suited downhill skis.

looked like a good day to be at Stowe, light traffic on the lifts.

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