2008 Best of Seat Cam

Cross season is over! Here's my attempt at getting the holeshot on the rest of the blogosphere, in terms of season retrospectives.

Best of Seat Cam Edit 3 from colin reuter on Vimeo.

Music: Justice - Genesis


Jordan said…
Ryan said…
Yeaaaaah Justice.

Stop crashing so much.
Unknown said…
at about minute 3 you have slim's header into the sand from saturday at warwick. i saw that one from behind and it made me laugh for the rest of the lap. great video, especially the beginning.
Colin R said…
It hurts when Ryan Kelly of all people tells you to stop crashing.

In the interest of accuracy it should be noted that Brian L is actually the guy taking the header into the sand. Somehow I didn't get a single one of Slim's crashes on camera this season.
jcox said…
Yash already got the holeshot on season retrospectives. He's already at the finish line and drinking heavily.
Kris said…
sick. i don't know how i'm going to pass the time though now that cross season is over. tuesday night nordie hat cam?
Luke S said…
I'd watch a tuesday night hat cam...but without me in the mix to fall at the start and nearly kill half the field what will there be to watch? The line of people spreads out....and comes back together. and brett bedard disappears off the front.
trackrich said…
Goal for next season: Get a part as an extra in Colin's 2009 Best of video...
G-ride said…
Matt is clearly a Hufflepuff. No need for the magic hat.

gewilli said…
effin awesomeness
Anonymous said…
Dude! Forget about this cross crap. I wanna see you blogging about all the training we were doing last night. Didn't you have the Garmin with you?

I'm already salivating to see a Tuesday Night Worlds preview...
Colin R said…
I'm definitely going to try to run a boot-cam at a tuesday night worlds race. if it works, then stowe derby as well.
Colin P. said…
sweet, great music. Congrats on your promoting success as well!
trackrich said…
Wait, does putting on a successful race make you the Alpha Colin? ;)
Colin R said…
ahhh Colin you just like it because you're one of the few people in that video staying upright :)
Luke S said…
The boot cam will get a whole lot of side to side action...you do remember that your boots move a lot when you ski, right?
Colin R said…
yeah, i'm aware. like i said, it's experimental.
Nathaniel Ward said…
Nice clips, Colin. Sorry I missed the Ice Weasels, sounds like a blast. By the by, (shameless plug) I just linked to you from my new blog. http://wordswheelsandwhy.blogspot.com
No more one-sided anonymous blog lurking for me.

Alex said…
I bet you could run a hip-cam, or attach the flip to your water bottle belt facing backwards. Your hips move less than your feet, and facing backwards is way more interesting (as you discovered with the seatcam). Plus, when you get tired and start twisting more, we'll get to see more of the scenery!
Colin R said…
alex: that's a good call as a backup solution, but it requires me to wear a bottle carrier while racing. aka "look like a fred," or whatever the fred equivalent is on skis. Plus the six-inches-off-the-snow angle from the boot might look cool. But it might also be totally sickening. We'll see.
Anonymous said…
Yep Yep its good
RMM said…
Appropriately, the only heckle on the entire clip is directed at me.

Nice work.

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