Canton Cup Race Report

The Canton Cup highlights one of the things that makes 'cross so different from mountain bike racing: it's one of the least interesting courses around, but as long as you can find a group of dudes to mix it up with it's a BLAST. If you get stuck time trialing around by yourself on the mostly-straight, minimally-technical, 9-minute laps, I'll forgive you for thinking that it sucks. But 'cross was meant to be social, so an unselective course can still be totally awesome. See how I just said nice things about Canton even though I *hate* the course? Coffee makes me so positive sometimes! This year's Canton was on SNOWPOCALYPSE EVE and every race on Sunday was cancelled. The only chance to look for one's power animal was Canton... so when the weather turned from "45 and overcast" to "40 and effin pouring" two hours before the elite race there was nothing to do except take that lemon mother nature gave us and take a big old bite of it. ...