Fat Tire Classic Race Report

There was a time in my life in which I hated this race, because it had DOUBLETRACK and ZERO ROCKS, and gosh darnit, I'm a mountain biker, and those things are neither FUN nor HARD. Then I started racing UCI cyclocross, and now I'm like, two hours of sprinting out of corners and up punchy climbs, without a single spot to recover? SIGN ME UP! THIS IS THE BEST MOUNTAIN BIKE RACE EVER! It's also the only mountain bike race that's so fast, you have to make actual decisions like "should I bridge to that group to try to get some draft, or ride my own pace in the wind?" I averaged just about 13 mph for 2 hours... which is probably the only time all year I ride a mountain bike race faster for 26 miles than a world class marathon runner could. Oh wow. Guys, marathon runners are insanely fast. Onto the racing. I was still putting my bottles out in the feed zone when I heard them announced "1 minute to go," because apparently having a watch or a ...