Wilderness 101 Race Report

For the record, this was Christin's idea. After a successful High Cascades last year, I wanted to share the joy* of riding a hundred miles on a mountain bike with her, and due to everyone I know getting married this August we couldn't go back to HC 100. So she found Wildnerness 101 , and that was that. At no point, I swear, did I say "Wilderness will be fun" or "I've heard great things about Wildnerness." The nice thing about doing a hundred miler within driving distance of home is ACTUALLY KNOWING PEOPLE at the race. The downside there, of course, is that when your two teammates (Hughes and Brian) drop you on the first climb, you KNOW WHO THEY ARE and it's annoying and makes you immediately question the wisdom of sticking to the "slow start" plan. The first climb, like every climb at Wilderness 101, is long and on gravel. In this case, 20 minutes and 1000 vertical feet, but who's counting Strava-ing? The difference is th...