Green Mountain Cyclocross Race Reports

I have been going to Green Mountain CX religiously every single year since 2008. And I hate it. But it's the first UCI race of the year! Any my love for trying not to get lapped exceed my hatred for pedaling uphill. So away we go. This year was especially good because I got sick the week before and just barely got my bike built and tubulars glued by Saturday morning. I felt like a sheep going to the slaughterhouse. But you know, low expectations are the key to happiness . GMCX Day 1: If you'd done GMSR this would seem easy I drew a horrible starting spot, which was actually exactly what I wanted. (Quick aside, it's pretty cool that we had something like 30 starters in the UCI races at GMCX. I remember back when there would be 30 guys and all you had do was not break your bike to get paid) So the race goes off and I am bottled up at the back with everyone else, but unlike guys with top-25 dreams, I don't waste any energy trying...