Ice Weasels Cometh Promotion Report

In 2008 I put on my first bike race and talked about how much more work it was than I thought and how it was awesome . In 2009 I wrote about how I thought the second year would be easier but it wasn't . In 2010, we added a flyover, I lost the numbers, it got bigger, and it was even more work . In 2011 we built a bunch of new sections and I was so exhausted it " almost wasn't worth lining up ." In 2012 we bought a flyover, spent a whole day cutting a new trail, and dropped USAC sanctioning. I was so tired I got lapped in the race . In 2013, we LOST THE VENUE 3 weeks before the race and basically all of New England helped me put a race together. I was so cracked by race day, I didn't even race . If programmers are good at pattern recognition, then how come I didn't see 2014 coming? We set a new bar for insanity that I hope I will finally fail to clear in 2015: with less than 48 hours until the start of the event, we lost the venue. A midwee...