Lumberjack 100 Race Report

The best explanation for why this post didn't get written until Friday is that when you do a fast, flat, singletrack 100-miler, instead of being burnt out on bikes the following week, you end up STOKED and have to ride every day. In related news, expect a post with the phrase "inexplicably tired" to appear here soon. After last year's hundred miler , the gravel road climbing championships of the world, Christin and I picked the Lumberjack 100 because it was the exact opposite -- 90 miles of singletrack and only 6000 feet of climbing. The only problem with the 'jack is that it's in Michigan, and not even the close part of Michigan. That's okay, though, because the drive is only 12 hours. Even though I swore I'd never drive to the Midwest again after the 18-hour solo trip from Madison to Boston I did two years ago... this is different. Somehow. We carpooled with Jesse Q, and I promptly made us half an hour late by forgetting my suitcase, only ...