Attitash Enduro Race Report

Ever since I snagged a sweet deal on a long-travel trail bike (thanks, universal 29er adoption!), I've been meaning to try racing it. I had this idea that since the best part of an XC race for me is the descending sections, doing a race that would be EXCLUSIVELY descending sections would be great for me. Because there's no way that kind of race would self-select good descenders or anything. Unfortunately, to properly ENDURO you need to preride, because it's not like an xc race where a few mistakes on lap one aren't a big deal. The whole race is about 15 minutes long, and you only get one shot at each section of trail. Knowing what's coming up is pretty essential. So I had to go up a day in advance to preview the course and try to commit every single turn to memory. Obviously, I flatted exactly one minute into the preride. Did you know that when you're flying down a hill, slamming on your front brake and turning puts a ton of force on your tire be...