Come With Me on a Lovingly Curated Backwoods Gravel Dirt Sand Wood Road Bike Ride

Hey! Let's go ride some bikes. This spring I got elected to be on the NEBRA Board. NEBRA is a bunch of people who donate their time to making N ew E ngland B ike R acing bett A r. And one of my jobs as a NEBRA board member (other than sending emails... oh god so many emails) was coming up with the route for the NEBRA August Adventure , because I am a map dork who lives in the Pioneer Valley and that's where we're doing this thing. The reason we're doing a gravel adventure ride is because (1) we like riding bikes, duh and (2) we're trying to raise some money for the bett A rment of New England cycling via grants for stuff like race motos, official training, junior development, and other stuff that makes your life as a bike racer qualitatively bettAr. wait a minute, I have to race against juniors. but motos are the only reason we could do a Greenfield Crit at all...ok yup this makes my life better THIS IS NOT WELLS AVE So what are you doing on ...