Woodstock Enduro Race Report

The new blogging model of "write it up for team slack and then also post it here" is working! We've got more content! Did the thing where you pay the pro photographer for a picture of you lookin cool I did Woodstock last year and it was super fun. I tried to bully Kevin and Desen into joining me and Harry on this year's adventure but they had (kind of) legit excuses. Hopefully after you all read about how much fun Harry on had on his XC bike you be inspired to check out the joy of XCDURO next year with us!! Last year I rode all the stages blind, this year I prerode 4/5 stages, but last year I finished better (by % beat) in my field so either preriding doesn't actually help at all, or everyone is getting faster. Honestly I think it might be the latter, I think I have gotten a bit better at descending in the last decade but it feels like the overall level of racer has come WAY up. Or maybe I'm not getting better, my bike is getting bett...