For All Intensive Porpoises, "Pelican" is French for "Main Pack"

Go to this link and search for the word "pelican." Keep searching until you've found all occurrences of the word; you will not be disappointed.


Christopher Tassava said…
A to the W to ESOME. I gotta wonder, since the guy seems like a decent rider is this idiocy? bad proofreading after running the spellchecker? a prank?

No matter why, this line kills me: "It must have been really cool to do this with the pelican though."

Many a lonely birdwatcher has thought the same thing...
kevin said…
I like how he's got a like to the Daily Peloton in the sidebar on the right, it adds a bit of mystery to the situation.
BigTime said…
I think it's great!!! I'm converting to using pelican right now. You'll pedal a lot faster if you imagine a flock of angry pelicans chasing you down.
Julia said…
Reminds me of the computer geek who explained how to remedy something and then said, "Walla!"
Big Bikes said…
If Phil Liggett started talking about "the breakaway getting scooped up by THE PELICAN" it would conjure up a much more terrifying image, further befuddle and bemuse rookie cycling fans, and scare small children. I like it.
Anonymous said…
you are all finally starting to understand the true death animal....'the pelican' matter how good a break away is or how fast solo riders are, the pelican will 98% of the time peck at them, catch them and eat them for a snack before reaching the finish..I LOVE IT!!...just think what this will do for the sport when liggett begins to speak in the true language of cycling
jay robbins said…
this is the perfect translation of "pelican". thanks for the hits.
Zoo said…
lol, yea, he uses the word "pelican" in almost every race report, they are pretty detailed though :P

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