Canton Cup Race Report

You can only count on three things in life: death, taxes, and the Canton Cup being windy. At least this year it was warm and windy. Instead of hypothermia, I finished the race with a pounding headache. Said headache was temporarily improved by drinking the only liquid available at the Said headache has returned, as I type this. I am generally not super-excited about Canton, what with the mile of pavement and all, but this edition of Canton had me STOKED because I was running dual Flip cams for the first time. That's right, nearly a pound of camera was attached to my bike, thanks to man hands Jerry . With both forward and rear views, I was sure to capture at least one amusing incident. Two Cameras! Sore back! [ uri ] I got to the race four hours early (IBC co-promotes it, so I was volunteering) and of course, with that kind of buffer I was bound to be the last guy to the start line. I squeezed in ahead of Thom "hipster costume" Parsons on the thi...