Myles Standish Road Race Report
I never even meant to do this race. After Hopbrook, I was all like "alrighty, let's get down to business and train well for 3 weeks in the hope of being less embarrassing at the Fat Tire Classic." And I did! You could tentatively call what I started doing a "block," if you were one of those people. Obviously that lasted until I realized that there was a bike race I could fit into my schedule, because playing bikes is way awesomer than training bikes. Especially when it's a mere 25 mile road race with 20 cat 3s in it. None of this riding-in-the-pack for hours BS, this was going to be an hour of action! Or something. Anyway, it seemed fun. So off I went, with Steve , RMM and geewhits as gas money. On the way down, RMM regaled us with tales of getting Curley'ed in a past edition of this race, and filling our heads with lies like "the break will go on the first lap, so you have to cover everything." As you might ...