Datamining Crossresults - Part 2
Round two of the datamining series was delayed by the decision the tile my shower. Much like bike racing, tiling a shower is a surprisingly long exercise in frustration that leaves you mildly satisfied when the dust clears. But I digress. One stat I missed from last time was "biggest overall race day." You won't be surprised to see the race series at the top of the chart... Largest Race Days Rank Date Race Total Racers 1 10/03/2010 Cross Crusade: Alpenrose Dairy 1482 2 10/16/2011 Cross Crusade #3 1476 3 10/02/2011 Cross Crusade #1 1466 4 10/04/2009 Cross Crusade #1 1434 5 10/24/2010 Cross Crusade: Portland International Raceway 1323 28 11/13/2011 MFG #6 Woodland Park 888 31 10/01/2011 Great Brewers Gran Prix of Gloucester Day 1 828 Turns out you have to go all the way down to 28th to find a non-Cross Crusade race on the list, and 31st to find a non-Pacific Northwest race. They basically do Gloucester EVERY WEEKEND in Portland. On the flip side, here...