Cross Nationals Qualification Criteria: Is It Fair, and Do We Need It?

Yesterday's post touched very briefly on a subject that many New Englanders have the luxury of ignoring: USA Cycling's 2015 change to cyclocross nationals qualification criteria. As of 2015, to race the elite race at nationals you needed either (1) at least one UCI point or (2) to be in the top 90 of the ProCX calendar. The ProCX calendar is "all the UCI races in the USA" but with points going deeper than 10 (I think 20 or 25). But either way, if you didn't go to UCI races, you didn't race nationals. Period. And going to UCI races is a lot easier in the northeast than anywhere else in the country: There's so many UCI races within 90 minutes of Boston (10), you can't even see them all on the map! Meanwhile, if you were ANYWHERE on the west coast, you get exactly two qualification chances: CXLA or Waves for Water, and those could both be a pretty epic drive for you. (If you're fast enough to get points at CrossVegas, you...