Thunder Mountain Enduro Race Report
Hey, remember when I wrote race reports? You might think that I stopped race reporting because blogging is dead (tm), but actually it's because I hurt my IT band in February and have barely ridden, nevermind raced, this year. The cause of the injury? I walked up a canyon for 5 minutes, rock climbed for 2 hours, and then walked back to the car. Yeah, that's it. Well that and 34 years of being alive and doing god knows what to imbalance my body. But in any case... rough times for the brand. I've been slowly returning to functionality since then and have recently got back to the point where I can ride a mountain bike for 2 whole hours straight (!) as long as I stand up a lot to reduce hip/knee angles. And since I need to race bikes like a shark needs to swim to breathe, I signed up for the Thunder Mountain Enduro since it had less than two hours of total pedaling in it, and you barely pedal in the actual racing parts (lol jinx). Steven Hopeng...