Curse You, Rumsey!
So tonight I was kept inside by freezing rain in Albany. Not just kept inside, but kept inside a crappy hotel room. There was only one solution -- get a large cup of coffee and crank the nerd factor.
Two hours later, there's a new feature on called "Nemeses and Victims," which highlights the people you most often narrowly defeat or are narrowly defeated by.
I know it works because here's my list:
And every single name on the left side of that list makes me shake my fist and mutter, "I'll get you next year, [Racer Name]!"
And then I cry myself to sleep.
Two hours later, there's a new feature on called "Nemeses and Victims," which highlights the people you most often narrowly defeat or are narrowly defeated by.
I know it works because here's my list:
And every single name on the left side of that list makes me shake my fist and mutter, "I'll get you next year, [Racer Name]!"
And then I cry myself to sleep.
Well fist off, it's not USAC. It's me and the promoter.
The basic deal is, when the promoter posts results with a bunch of names without places at the bottom of them, i have to guess if they are DNS or DNF. I'm more worried about people DNF'ing and not be penalized for it than people DNSing and being penalized, so I go with DNF.
I improved this process sometime after Casco Bay, I think that is really the problem here. I'll delete your Casco Bay results.
You are the KING of nerds. I salute you.
And I am an engineer so that means something.
Natz Schmatz, 37 and counting, ya guy!
That is so cool. Wait till I tell Gewilli I victimized him.
You are going to sell this site for ONE MEELLION DOLLARS some day.
Now all you need to include is a hyperlink that gives you the picture of the person, where s/he lives, his/her daily habits and ride routes, and medical records. THEN you would have something useful.